Thursday, May 31, 2012

Heimweh V: Durch die Gassen

Ich weiß noch ganz genau, wie ich mit Verwandten bei meiner Oma zu Mittag aß. Beim Essen bin ich wirklich der ungesprächigste Mensch, aber sie schafften es alle mich zum Lachen und Reden zu bringen. Ihre Extrovertiertheit, die gute Laune und die Herzlichkeit waren richtig ansteckend, doch ehe ich mich versah, waren sie alle verschwunden. Ich räumte den Tisch ab, zog mich um und als ich wieder ins Wohnzimmer kam, war es still. Mittags, dann wenn die Sonne am stärksten scheint und es draußen unerträglich heiß wird, bleiben die meisten Vietnamesen zu Hause und halten ein Mittagsschläfchen.

An dieses Ritual konnte ich mich bei meinen zwei Vietnamaufenthalten nie gewöhnen. Während meine Verwandte also vor sich hin schliefen, schlich ich mich nach draußen, nahm das Fahrrad und fuhr auf Erkundungstour oder lief zu Fuß ziellos umher. Die Hitze machte mir nie etwas aus, denn ich kann mich unglaublich gut und schnell an meine Umgebung anpassen und Fahrradfahren war um diese Uhrzeit aufgrund der ungewohnt „leeren“ Straßen und Gassen richtig angenehm.
Ich spielte Volleyball mit fremden Menschen am See, trank warmen Grüntee mit alten kartenspielenden Leuten, wurde gejagt von anderen Jugendlichen, angelte einen 2cm großen Vietnam spielt sich das Leben zum Großteil auf der Straße ab, das zeigt sich auch an der Offenheit gegenüber anderen, fremden Menschen.
Von meinen täglichen Abenteuern erzählte ich meiner Oma nichts, sie hätte mich sonst mittags eingesperrt und zum Mittagsschlaf gezwungen, denn ganz ungefährlich war der Spaß nicht.

Je später es wurde, desto mehr füllten sich wieder die Straßen. Ich zwang meine Cousins immer dazu, mich bei meinen Spaziergängen zu begleiten. Sie wären am liebsten mit dem Moped unterwegs gewesen, aber ich brachte ihnen bei, auch mal weite Strecken zu Fuß zu laufen.
Meine Lieblingsstrecke führte durch unzählige Gassen, die nach Kohle, frisch gekochtem Essen oder Motorradabgasen rochen, in denen Müll einfach rumlag und darauf wartete von der Müllabfuhr aufgepickt zu werden, in denen man irgendwo ein Hundebellen, Hühnergackern oder Karaoke, was der Volkssport der Vietnamesen ist, hörte. Spielende, lachende Kinder, Mopedhupen, religiöser Gesang, die Fahrradklingel des Eisverkäufers. Alles auf einmal hört sich beim Lesen für Außenstehende bestimmt total chaotisch und laut an. Wer aber schonmal in Vietnam war, weiß wie schön der Lärm mit der warmen Luft harmoniert.

Asymetric again

Monday, May 21, 2012

Lime Crime Haul + Giveaway Winners

Hello Lovelies! Let's talk about LIME CRIME! A while back I purchased some 
eye shadow pigments from lime crime and they were absolutely so so so fantastic! 
I've been wanting to try out their lipsticks for the longest time and I finally had the chance 
to try them out, as well as their new eye shadow palette.

First off, this is the box their famous purple box with a unicorn logo on it!
I'm a huge fan of adorable/pretty packaging! I always look forward to
Lime Crime packages!

Opened the box to find a unicorn sticker and a couple of "cards" featuring their
newest product, Palette d'Antoinette! And of course 3 of their famous opaque lipsticks
and I also had to try out their new palette with launched on May 1st!

What could be better than to have holographic unicorns on your lipstick packaging?!
Some people actually think this packaging is really "childish" but I personally LOVE IT!

Their lipsticks tend to sell out pretty fast especially their super unique shades. I got the rather
"normal" ones compared to all the other colors they have because they were all sold out! Planning
on making a purchase when they restock their blue and mint lipsticks!
The names of these colors from left to right:
Retrofuturist, Great Pink Planet, Airborne Unicorn

Swatches from top to bottom:
Retrofuturist, Great Pink Planet, Airborne Unicorn
Overall, I am totally obsessed with these lipsticks! They're totally opaque and look very
appealing..from the packaging to your lips! I honestly thought Airborne Unicorn (the lavender one)
would look "weird" on me...but it's actually wearable! My mom even asked me to order one for her!
Be careful though, these are like your typical lipsticks! These are actually "softer" due to their high
and opaque pigments. So just be careful when applying this to your lips, use a lipstick brush if you prefer!

These are some of their other lipstick colors/shades! Aren't they funky and fun?!
View more on their website HERE

Once again, adorable packaging! This is their newest palette called
Palette d'Antoinette

From left to right:
Royal Flush, Absinthe-Minded, Macarooned, Ribbonesque, Mercurious

Overall I really adore this palette and it's perfect for the spring and summer time and I find this palette
to be so much more wearable compared to their China Doll palette! All of these eye shadows are matte
except for the silver one (shimmery/sparkly) I highly recommend this palette for anyone who loves playing
with fun and unique colors that are also subtle and not TOO crazy. You can purchase these HERE
I'm pleased to announce the winners for the HeReJ and Romwe giveaway!
Both of these stores will be or should have already contacted you with your prizes :)
ENJOY and congratulations! Don't worry for those who did not win this time! Plenty more
giveaways to come! Thank you all for participating.
The winner of the Romwe giveaway: Debora Ferri
The winner of the HeReJ giveaway: Amanda Ling

You can also catch me on twitter: @missdanbee and look for me on instagram: missdanbee   
 Stay Lovely, Eunice~    

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Buy the most glamorous Mini Apparel from Oasap fashion Mini Apparel store, choose from thousands of Mini Apparel, Leopard print 2012, front zipped fly, sleeveless design and long bubble sleeves. There are new arrivals of different sizes and designs every day.

Hoy algunas fotos más de Tommy Ton de Sydney.

You've Got Mail

Buy the most glamorous sleeveless design from Oasap fashion sleeveless design store, choose from thousands of Mini Apparel, Leopard print 2012, front zipped fly, sleeveless design and long bubble sleeves. There are new arrivals of different sizes and designs every day.

Couple days we have with sunny spells which just made may days. So we took a chance for photoshoot. I really wanted to share with you some fabulous thing what I got in my mail recently. I love to receive real mail. So I try to send it as much as I can and I'm happy to receive it.

It was black Short Front Hem Open Shoulder T-shirt  from I was so excited and so happy that I straight away in my mind was putting together so many looks, because it's just perfect basic T-shirt with a bit of edginess and yet so feminine with cut out shoulder details.

You can dress up it wearing with some gorgeous skirts and statement necklace or dress down with pair of cool jeans  and leather jacket, like I did this time, and in hot summer day wear with cut off denim shorts.
I'm sure you could straight away imagine how you could style up this T-shirt in many wonderful looks from your wardrobe.

If you know me for a while that you know I don't have a lot of black clothes in my wardrobe, because black wash out so quickly and sometimes even new black garment looks so sad, dull, but to spice up my wardrobe I was happy to receive exactly black T-shirt. I have to admit that I'm pleasantly surprised how good quality is T-shirt. Black is blackest black and... Gosh, how soft is fabric, like a butter. It's flowy and drape.I love , love ,love this high low (high on front and low on back) hem, it's covers everything in right places that you can wear skinnies without looking awkward.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

electric lemonade

(nordstrom sheer blouse, H&M neon pants & clutch, zara necklace, prada lucite heels)

picked up this neon feathered necklace at zara last week. in looove. theyre actually metal plates ombred to look like feathers. definitely my statement jewelry piece of the summer. speaking of zara.. and neon. a few pairs of THE neon zara sandals are back in stock (in limited sizes), and guess who picked up a pair? like seriously, neon is taking over the world right now.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Photos by Toto & Miss Dynamite
Dziś chciałabym pokazać wam mój majówkowy out-fit. Korzystając z pięknego słońca, pierwszy raz w tym roku, założyłam sukienkę. Na podobny fason polowałam już od dłuższego czasu, jednak o dziwo ciężko jest kupić zwykłą, białą kieckę. Żeby nadać całości plażowo-surferskiego klimatu zdecydowałam się proste dodatki: na bransoletki z muszelek oraz wisiorek z piór.

Sukienka - Nasty Gal
Pasek - Second Hand
Biżuteria - Vintage

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The red bag and a beaded collar

Buy the most glamorous Mini Apparel from Oasap fashion Mini Apparel store, choose from thousands of Mini Apparel, Leopard print 2012, front zipped fly, sleeveless design and long bubble sleeves. There are new arrivals of different sizes and designs every day. Sexy Black Dress from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Sexy Black Dress at street fashion store by choosing from a large collection of high street fashion picks at OASAP.

Can you guess what my new favorite thing is by looking at these photos? Here are some clues: it’s adorable and red and even has a big bow on it! Yes, I’m talking about my new lovable bag from oasap!
Unwrapping things that I got in the mail feels so great and I just gasped with excitement when I saw the red bag, it looks even better in real life and I didn’t expect it to be so big and well compartmentalized (which is great because I’m the kind of girl that carries around tones of things so I really need a lot of space in my bag).

I even got compliments from some of my co-worker on it and they don’t really give a crap about things like fashion or compliments if I were to be honest.

In fewer words this it’s my own take on the office look:)))). I’m also wearing a ironic pointy tips beaded collar that I made myself and that I love to pieces – it took a lot of hours to make because of all the bead work but the result is very cool.

I think you all remember my custom made tee featuring an incredible Gil Elvgren pin up girl that I'm wearing under a light weight asymmetric cardigan! I guess this get up has a lot of what I like going on: polka dots, midi skirts, bows, belts, sunglasses - I do love all of them and I think they work for me.

I’m wearing:
red bag/geanta rosie - oasap
skirt, belt/ fusta, curea - vintage
tights, shoes/ ciorapi, pantofi - New Look
 asymmetric cardigan/ cardigan asimetric - C&A
tshirt/ tricou – Tshirt Factory
sunglasses/ ochelari - H&M
detachable collar/guler detasabil - Alice&Sara (handmade by me)